Race Goals Redux


I will be writing about the mountain adventure race shortly, but I have to order some ridiculous, embarrassing photos of myself before I can post anything.  And believe me, they are both ridiculous and embarrassing.  The folks at Met Con Blue haven’t uploaded all of their race photos yet, so I’ll have to wait a few days before I can post them.  If the photos I’ve seen so far are any indication, they will be worth the wait.

In the meantime, I thought I should revisit my race goals:

1)      Do not get poison ivy.  Success!  I have to admit that there were several times when I was so tired, muddy and miserable that I forgot to look out for that malevolent little plant, but I managed to evade it in the end.  Yay!

2)      Finish.  I managed this as well.

3)      Get a photo with the girls.  This is where things broke down.  I did get a photo with a few of them, but I missed a few key training buddies.  Oh well, I knew this one would be tricky.  Wrangling friends for a group photo is challenging at the best of times, let alone when everyone is muddy and miserable and trying to find the beer tent.

I’m pretty pleased with that outcome.  To quote Meat Loaf, “Two out of three ain’t bad.”

Met Con Blue – Mission Complete


We did it!  We survived the mountain adventure race.  I’m sore, and my feet are still cold as I type this, but I finished the race and managed all but one of the obstacles.

I’ll write a longer post about the race later in the week, but for now I’m going to share some photos taken by my friend and our team’s cheerleader (she even made us a sign!) Laura Rice.

The aforementioned sign. That was pretty sweet of her to do.

My friend Sarah and her husband Dave racing to the finish line

The finish line! Finally. I thought I would never see you.

Tracy, Joe, me and Christa at the finish line! We lost Sarah and Dave for this photo.


Race Goals


Race day is coming up fast and I’m starting to feel…ready for it to be over.  I’ve been training fairly hard, for me, anyway.  I’ve been going to postnatal fitness classes, running several times a week, going to the odd yoga class and to some spinning at the Y.  I’ve run the course a few times with some of the other new moms who are doing the race.


Here we are at the top of the hill!

I’ve had a good time and it’s been fun to see results, especially after having a baby.  But I’ve found myself running low on free time for other things.

I’m definitely not going to set any records, and I won’t be able to get myself over an 8 foot wall by myself.  Even the over-unders are going to be a challenge.


Over-unders are a heck-of-a-thing.

And I’ve blocked out the fact that one of the obstacles involves *fire*.  I’m just in this race for the fun of it.


Photographic evidence of the fun.

But I do have some goals:

1)      Do not get poison ivy.  This is most important.  Even more important than finishing.  I get poison ivy if it wafts on the breeze in my direction, so this could be difficult.  But I’m going to do everything in my power to stay in the middle of the trail and not be pushed off into the poison-ivy-laden forest.  Watch out for my elbows, racers.

2)      Finish.  I’m pretty sure I’ll finish, but there will be snow and fire and poison ivy and spectators with super soakers, so who knows.

3)      Get a photo with the girls.  This could be tricky, because we’ll all be finishing at different times, but it may happen.

Overall, I’m glad I signed up for this crazy race.  Let’s hope I still feel that way on Saturday at 9:00 am.